coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

the dream and the dreamer, clear out and dream big

our sesh on the 6th of may is a good one to listen to again. we walk you through an energetic clearing and an embracing of your shadow that gets triggered when you claim bigger dreams. 

here are a couple of clearing exercises for you to download to play on your headset whenever you'd like:)

this first one is all about clearing through a gentle booty shake:)

in this next 5 minute clearing exercise you'll be fire breathing....ujjayi warm up any blocks that are ready to melt and transform into light. clear, my dear ones. clear.  

here's a number on dreaming and response style. i'm inviting you to piggy back onto my dreams if you'd like:)

the more we feel it, the more we radiate it and the more it comes true. follow along for fun in this repeat after and dream BIG tutorial.


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

stirrin in our bones

this last session dove deep. everyone had a theme of sorts that felt clunky and ready for release. this is a great session to press replay to when you're needing the group's support to transform big stuff.

hip hip hurrah!  the crew continues. i <3 you guys a lot and i really am excited to have this become more tailored and accessible for you. can you start thinking up ways that i could serve you more? for example, some of you are wanting to start documenting magical change in your lives and be witnessed by each other. perhaps the application marco polo would work well for this? itis a video messaging app that would allow us to chat to each other in present time. someone else suggested that i do a live stream a few days a week to shoot the shit about what i'm doing in my own meditation/practice. basically i can do whatever you'd like with my time:) it's all about you, being in service to you. 

on that note, here's your first suggested self inquiry....

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-04-29.

this next one is a meditation to help soften and clear and heal places of deeply held fears. often times we hold old fears in the backside of our chakras. without diving into the reasons and stories of the pain, this 23 minute meditation helps you clear out the backside of your heart and your belly.  with love, xo

a lot of our energy can be secretly trapped in our grudges. here's a piece walking you through releasing this and choosing to love unconditionally more often. 

a lot of our energy gets stuck in our grudges. we have the ongoing power to choose love. this is an invitation to heal....yourself, others and the world at large through choosing to love and bless those who have 'wronged' us.


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

the backward dance

hi:) this crew call came in the middle of a mercury retrograde transit. our meditation walks us through something really conducive to this time. what we resist in our lives is often what is calling for love and transformation. 

grab 3 favorite stones for this one. enjoy:)

there's been a call for more movement videos:) here is a 16 minute gentle easy morning stretchy stretch:)

slowly wake up your body in this 16 minute movement tutorial. it's gentle and easy and flowy and made with love. xo

the more time and energy focused on connecting with the benevolent brilliance of nature, the deeper your relation with nature becomes. i am finding that there is no limit on the depth of relation. i happily walk you through connecting with trees and rain here. may you be supported and gently nourished:)

let's touch. video and meditation:)

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-04-19.

we are finishing the 6th month of coco's crew!!!!  the next phase is here to find out all about it.  

let me know if you're game for the extension:)

(essentially we are extending the crew for 2 months as i prep our next project:::: project magic school!)

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-04-19.


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

Together, On Death and Rebirth


this time together is feeling so potent. i feel incredibly blessed to be a part of your lives right now. thank you. for who you are and for what you bring to this world.  

in love, elizabethie cocoannica

here's a mini talk for you, me talking about how you might want to use the 'lessons from the death portal' playlist like an oracle deck:)

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-03-28.

My cat joined my Gma on the other side this week. What that translates to here is I am receiving a shit ton of wisdom from them. Here I talk about how it is up to me-us to identify grudges or other things that close me off from my divine support team.

birth, life, death. birth, life, death. birth, life, death. and so it goes. again and again and again. we, as humans, tend to have an affinity towards the birth and life part, not as much so with death. 

when we let things fully come to an end with love this allows for a recalibration into light, into potential. this applies to everything, relationships thoughts businesses people governments, you name it. 

a few of you have been expressing a fear of letting things go, of death. this is a meditation to walk you through a mini death portal. if we have a mini death portal each day, our beings can get a bit more groovy at the dance. 

in order to keep clearing out old human conditioning we've got to do just that, keep clearing human conditioning, suffering, old ways of thinking and reacting.  here are a couple of short meditations you can download to do just that:)

here's a pre-bedtime meditation to help connect you with the spirit realms before you head to sleepy time:)


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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portals and places of love and support

our session together this time served as a general overall energetic support, a way to ground and clear and get your magic / our magic brewing.  enjoy!

this next piece is actually a series of 11 videos.  as both my beloved grandma and cat passed suddenly in the last month i am in the middle of a very influential transit.... the death portal.  

there is sooooo much information saturating this place and i feel drawn to downloading it, from me to you. xo

My cat joined my Gma on the other side this week. What that translates to here is I am receiving a shit ton of wisdom from them. Here I talk about how it is up to me-us to identify grudges or other things that close me off from my divine support team.

it's due time we talk more about practical tools to facilitate dreaming BIG.  HUGE actually.  here are a couple of tools, i've got all sorts of them up my sleeves. let me know if you'd like more:)

Why not use social media to feed your dreams?!! Often times we end up feeling less cool and less special after scrolling down the feed. Here I talk about a different option:)

This one can be done on the fly. You just notice what's going on internally and around you, then have a conversation about it with the universe. 'Yes, universe, isn't this just wonderful?!! More of this please!' 'Hey, universe, I'm not very into this feeling.

our relation and repoire with the unseen realms increases with presence and practice communicating with it.  a lot of you have been wanting more ways to connect in with this.  here are a couple of meditations, one with the moon (great to listen to while staring at it) and one within the late winter/early spring forest floor.  the latter is created to help reset your nervous system, shifting it away from any PTSD into a place of life affirming connectivity.  enjoy!  


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

declutter and align

here's a nutritious and relaxing session.  enjoy!

here's a piece to enhance your efficiency and pleasure within busy times of overwhelm.  when your list of things to do is way to long, i suggest you stop and make an art project out of it. this helps you build your internal atmosphere and perception into radness. 

here is a pretty practical piece for your creative life design. when the list of things to do becomes way to overwhelming i always take an extra half hour to help myself come back to peace and positivity through an artful creation of my list. this walks you through that:)

our power of perception is real.  if i perceive a situation as fabulous, it spreads fabulousness into it. if i perceive it as icky, it spreads icky into it.  i talk about this here:)

sometimes when i walk into a situation i feel fabulous. on another day i might walk into the same situation and feel icky. my feeling of fabulous or icky has changes the experience itself. join me here as i talk about the power of our perception.

a handful of you are requesting more downloadable meditations so i've made some audios for you:)   this first one is made to help you clear and realign your perception.  

here's a little pre-bedtime meditation to help you clear out and align with numminess before sleep:)

what is a fun easy way to create large change in the world? by blessing everyone with their wildest dreams and a whole bunch of joyfilled love. this is an audio meant to be played on the go or at a coffee shop or taking a walk. it guides you through blessing everyone.  

here's a 12 minute piece about how to transform conflict through claiming the conflictual feeling as your own and taking the space to shift it.  

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-03-08.

i am downloading information from this beautiful universe very rapidly.  everyday some new insight or awareness comes in. this is especially true right now as i go through the process of my beloved grandma passing. figured you'd like some of the insight:)

Since my grandma's passing last month I've been on a super big spiritual journey. I am drawn to sharing insight that's coming through. In love xo


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

in our senses in our power

hey gorgeous ones. here's our sesh recording. i purposefully create the energy to be totally accessible in the future, as many times as you'd like. 

coming into our senses is one of our most powerful assets.  sometimes we need a little training to come back into our senses, into our bodies.  join me in this chat about this. 

This is me chatting to you in response to a question about the importance of feeling and how to start feeling more.

press play in bed upon rising for this 2 minute 'repeat after me' affirmation to help train yourself to know that you are cozy fabulous and supported. this'll help you land in you for your day. 

It is soooo important for us to be in our body, be in our felt sense. Healing takes place and we become more available to our infinite nature and support. This affirmation is meant for you to press play to while you're still cozy in your morning bed.

this next one is a blast.  and a little bit of a workout.  i've done it 5 times since making it and i keep feeling better and more cool and powerful:)

This mini workout is intended for you to let me guide you powerfully and playfully into your senses. You can't do it wrong, just press play and start punching the air with me;)


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

Just How Much Can Our Love Serve The World

this call felt sooo sooo tender.  there is a whole bunch of love in it. and the meditations were very purposefully created for you to tap into the future;) to soak in and give the love. 

here's how i imagine my dance videos to be for you surround sound, my voice gently guiding you along a trippy dance party, with a holographic version of me dancing right beside you. keep this in mind as you press play. 

This is meant for you to press play you might to a jazzercise video....then notice if you feel better or worse by the end. shoot me a message if you don't feel better.

join me in my dreamboat shower as i channel what it felt like the whole crew was needing. xxxooooooo

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-01-30.

a question was posted about anger and how to move in it and through it. then i had a nightmare where i was super angry.... good timing:) i asked the jungle what to do with the anger.  this is what she told me:)

In this little chat I explain a bit about the power of intentionally directed anger. When I was feeling angry I asked the jungle what to do with it. 'Hissss, miss elizabethcocoann-a-licious' it said. I'll explain why here:)

here's the meditation aka the 3 minute hissing growling with coco opportunity. my friends, it works.  if you're extra angry you might need to do it twice, but if you really get into it the first time it might just take the 3 minutes:)

Press play then follow along. This is a face and hiss forward way of harnessing and moving the energy of anger. I really think if the whole world did this every day we would see a whole different world immediately. There is soooo much energy in our anger.

this next one is a super duper slow moving meditation. it's a practice i do a bunch. the basis of this moving meditation is that we are inherently balanced and all we need to do is show up with our loving presence and allow our body to recalibrate it's energy.  

'make a shape and hold it' :)

Here's a 13 Minute piece that's great to do first thing in the morning, before bed or anytime you need to recalibrate/rebalance. Press play and follow along, no thinking necessary:) trust that your body knows how to balance and heal, it just needs our soft presence and stillness and time.

our next sesh will be on:

11 February 8am west coast US

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +16699006833,,3111330928#  or +14086380968,,3111330928# 
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    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
        US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923
    Meeting ID: 311 133 0928
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How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

New Year's Discernment

during all session on 14 January we talked quite a bit about discernment and boundaries. then we did a meditation with 2018 to align with its deliciousness:) enjoy!!  

it feels like time to start talking about sexy time. this is a super rich subject, note that i've named it Sexual Healing Part 1 as i imagine there could be all sorts of parts. 

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-01-21.

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-01-21.

here are a fun couple audios that you can download, per request. i keep imagining what the world would be like if we ALL were clearing suffering from our cells and choosing to believe in our magnificence every day. it feels soooo good imagining this. 


Welcome to Coco's Crew! It's a delight to have you here. This space will be continuously fed with audiovisual content for your life's pleasure. If you have any questions you'd like to ask or little things on your wishlist, send me a note:

Our live sessions will take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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new year's goodies

happy 2018, lovelies!  

it's felt really good to utilize the new year vibe in the crew. during our last session, we started identifying what we were needing in a more concrete way.  here's a link to the call.

during our session we decided to utilize our facebook page as a way of establishing solidarity and connection. if you haven't jumped on there yet, do!  here's the link to that. please lean into our group there as a way to create support for ourselves and eachother:)

some of you are committing to journal time each day.  rad!  here's a piece to add to your array of journal exercises. 

5 minutes long. An easy way to increase your power to live a sweet life is to name and cultivate the attributes/feelings that you'd like to experience. This little journal exercise will guide you through this:)

i LOVE that ya'll have been requesting song and dance. yes yes yes. here's a new piece for you to sing and dance to. i apologize for my sound quality on these....i'll be staying at a place with a recording studio this coming month, hoping to get better at sound quality. 

A 7 or so dance and song piece intended to soften clear and strengthen your voice and your body. You are the vessel for YOU. The more freedom and presence you cultivate in your body, the more freedom and presence you cultivate in your life. No thought necessary.

this next piece contains awareness practices to help you respond to your world with love and wisdom. it's a 5 minute chat:)

here's a little 5 minute talk on tools that can help you respond more lovingly to yourself and the world:)

this next one takes place during a slow move thru my dad's orchard. it's a 5 minute relaxed pace talk walking you through the power of where you place your energy....your perception. this video is best listened to while breathing deep and relaxing in, either staring at the orchards or with your eyes closed.   

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-01-13.

here's its matchy match meditation. per request it's intended for you to listen to on the go....behind the wheel, on the train or plane:) we walk through a light meditation of melting limiting perceptions.  

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-01-13.

last for this section is a journal exercise :::::: dreaming big  ::::::::::

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2018-01-13.


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

On Commitment

it feels so good to keep things fresh and transparent. this very much applies to our relation to ourselves on own evolutionary journey. listen here to our 17 december session where we talk about the power of claiming what you want and what you're willing to commit to. that plus a whole bunch more including a meditation and the beginning and end:)

here is the beginning of what feels like a series of sorts, less than 4 minutes each.  they are created as a 'repeat after me' meditation for you to press play to and transform.

this one starts off with some deep earth based embodied invocation of water.

this 4 minute clip will activate your connection to the brilliant intelligence of water. when we open our heart and mind to the spirit of water, she comes. and she's a miracle invoking miracles in you.

press play on this next one when you are feeling trapped by your mental or emotional patterns.

4 minutes of invocation, bringing all of your limited human conditioning into a field of unconditional love. This helps transform it at its energetic core, naturally updating and freeing your energy.

this next one is a humble grateful prayer to water to help you lean in and relax into letting go of your fear. 

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2017-12-19.

here's a little talk to help you during the holidays....let's all perpetuate LoVe.

Wanna feel good and spread good and clear out all sorts of painful family conditioning? Watch here

and a 5 minute meditation to invoke light in your core for the season where we celebrate the return of the light.  happy solstice, merry christmas, happy new year.  in love.

one last piece, this one is for you in bed, in between waking and sleeping. roll around, pause, breathe, be. stretch, rest, be breathe. 6 minutes of restful being. plus whales. 

Be weighted and fluid. Melt into rest. Be held. 6 minutes of guided cuddle thyself


How can I be of service to you? What questions can I answer in our next group session? What style of content would you like....a 10 minute shower dance, a 1/2 hour bedtime ritual, an on the go self love talk? I am excited to hear from you:)

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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coco's crew Coco Swanson coco's crew Coco Swanson

On Self Love

hi lovelies, 

this call is a perfect one to push play to and relax to at night. it is a thorough meditation session on embodied self love. 

from my heart to yours.

for this section i offer you a handful of opportunities to get groovy with your self love:)

i'd suggest starting with this 7 minute dance tutorial. this shit's for real. simple and stunning when practiced regular. all of our limitations can melt into sweetness with self love. let the jerry garcia and me help you on your journey.

7 minutes of guided sparkly groovy self love, make it rain. Let it ripple. Commit to You

dear self, i love you. yours truly, me.

next is a 6 minute tutorial walking you through a journal letters to self. it's such a nummy practice. 

6 minutes of journal time talk, an invitation to Love You more through writing yourself ❤️letters. Simple. Powerful. With Love.

self love bath time with crystals and candles and sea salt.  

yes please.  push play to this 5 minute ambient tutorial. 

Crystalline Light. Candles. SeaSalt. All in honor of You. You Loving You. This 5 Minute spell of time will walk you thru a bath ritual to relax your nervous system, drain out stress and update the quality of your light body. 🧜🏼‍♀️🧜🏼‍♀️🧜🏼‍♀️

this last one is pleasantly intense. i walk you through a series of tones with hands on love (the first one is gutterly low on purpose:). 

it is a good one to press play to in bed. 



If you have any questions you'd like to ask or little things on your wishlist, send me a note:

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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recording, coco's crew Coco Swanson recording, coco's crew Coco Swanson

Calling You Home

Hello dear ones, 

Here's the recording of the second session. I apologize for the variation in volume, next time I'll make sure to keep a better eye on the microphone;)


In honor of strengthening our ability to create and manifest, I sat down to create a meditation about how to make your body/mind/heart the most enticing place for ALL of you to live. Then I realized how important it is to commit to your self care practices first so your most tender parts feel safe and held.... 

We can invite and entice ALL aspects of our body/mind/soul to align together in order to manifest the life that we want. However, once we start calling ourselves back and into alignment, it is important to continue to practices that continue this. How committed are you to YOU?

After you decide to commit to YOU, try on this.....what I think might be the most important next step....

The first and foremost guideline that I'll be following the rest of my life in order to cultivate a life of my dreams.

This next one is an audio for you when you wake up. Enjoy 6 minutes of gratitude and alignment with your most brilliant self. YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLY BRILLIANT.  

This video is about sadness....a critical and cleansing emotion that deserves a daily practice. I'll talk you through the why and how on a daily sadness ritual.  besos. 

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2017-11-27.

AND.  AND.  get ready to sweat a bit, giggle, and shake your shit free. 

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2017-11-27.

Looking forward to talking on Sunday, 3 December at 7:30pm Berlin time!  

Big Love,

Ms Elizabeth Cocoann


It's a delight to have you here. This space will be continuously fed with audiovisual content for your life's pleasure. If you have any questions you'd like to ask or little things on your wishlist, send me a note:

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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And so it begins...

thank you for showing up on our very first call. For those of you who missed it or who would like to tune in again - here is the recording of our very first session. 

I've also gotten busy creating curriculum for you. This is a complete practice that begins with a journaling ritual:

Journal Time. Welcome And Love All of the stuff you’d rather do without.

Once you have gone through that process, here is a follow-on stone ritual: 

Cozy With Your Stones

I cannot wait to hear how these go for you. Please let me know if there are any questions you would like to submit for future calls or curriculum using the contact form in the side bar on the right. There, you can also find a link to the Facebook group. That's the perfect place to connect and get to know each other. 


It's a delight to have you here. This space will be continuously fed with audiovisual content for your life's pleasure. If you have any questions you'd like to ask or little things on your wishlist, send me a note:

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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Welcome. It is my delight to have you here. Let the magic begin.

Our first conference call is on the 5 November 2017 at:   8pm Berlin time, 11am west coast USA time, and I'm pretty sure that's 8am on the 6th in New Zealand. Double check your world clock to make sure. Time math is intense sometimes;)  

I'm just getting the details settled on the site we'll be using to connect. Check back here for the link (It'll have a phone number too if you prefer that). 

This space is created to help all of our work land in a very tangible way.

Check here be between sessions for all of the goodies. In the meantime, have fun with this impromptu core exercise and 1st chakra clearing.  And a good giggle. And a little dance party.  xo


Welcome to Coco's Crew! It's a delight to have you here. This space will be continuously fed with audiovisual content for your life's pleasure. If you have any questions you'd like to ask or little things on your wishlist, send me a note:

Our live sessions will take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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