recording, coco's crew Coco Swanson recording, coco's crew Coco Swanson

Calling You Home

Hello dear ones, 

Here's the recording of the second session. I apologize for the variation in volume, next time I'll make sure to keep a better eye on the microphone;)


In honor of strengthening our ability to create and manifest, I sat down to create a meditation about how to make your body/mind/heart the most enticing place for ALL of you to live. Then I realized how important it is to commit to your self care practices first so your most tender parts feel safe and held.... 

We can invite and entice ALL aspects of our body/mind/soul to align together in order to manifest the life that we want. However, once we start calling ourselves back and into alignment, it is important to continue to practices that continue this. How committed are you to YOU?

After you decide to commit to YOU, try on this.....what I think might be the most important next step....

The first and foremost guideline that I'll be following the rest of my life in order to cultivate a life of my dreams.

This next one is an audio for you when you wake up. Enjoy 6 minutes of gratitude and alignment with your most brilliant self. YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLY BRILLIANT.  

This video is about sadness....a critical and cleansing emotion that deserves a daily practice. I'll talk you through the why and how on a daily sadness ritual.  besos. 

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2017-11-27.

AND.  AND.  get ready to sweat a bit, giggle, and shake your shit free. 

Uploaded by Elizabeth Cocoann Galis on 2017-11-27.

Looking forward to talking on Sunday, 3 December at 7:30pm Berlin time!  

Big Love,

Ms Elizabeth Cocoann


It's a delight to have you here. This space will be continuously fed with audiovisual content for your life's pleasure. If you have any questions you'd like to ask or little things on your wishlist, send me a note:

Our live sessions take place on zoom and you will receive a link before every call. There is also a Facebook group, where you are welcome to share your personal experience with each other. 

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