Reclaiming Our Power

In an ideal world, workplace culture would empower everyone within it. How do we build an environment that starts to facilitate this? Step one is to increase your own sense of power.

A primary and powerful step in reclaiming your power is through establishing ownership of your individual perceptions. If we all, as individuals, increase our self awareness the group dynamic starts to change automatically. Listen here for little tutorials and supplemental meditations to support you within this process.

We are only able to create change in how we think and feel if we first build self awareness. The following meditation helps you do so by slowing down, letting go of thoughts and noticing something wonderful :)

It’s easy to focus on what’s going wrong with a situation. But when we do, we increase the likelihood of more bad things happening. Building the energy of gratitude and appreciation is an important step to boost the likelihood of solution in any situation. The following meditation helps you do so..

After you meditate, take note on what you noticed before, during and afterwards. This acts as a tool to strengthen your intuition and self awareness.


Committing to Change


Welcome. Take a deep breath and make yourself at home.