Without doing any self growth i am already…
This section provides a confident landing place for you, a place to enter in through your inherent brilliance. Gather a bunch of adjectives that describe you, that remind you of how amazing you already are. The more the merrier:)
I Am courageous, kind, quick, cute, creative and thoughtful.
2. I am that i am manifesto, aspects you are choosing to cultivate.
What qualities would you like to start experiencing and proliferating? You can find these qualities in people you admire or in people that invoke your shadow. This acts as a bass note for your personal and global manifestations. List them as nouns to help you become them.
I Am gentleness. I Am peace. I Am power. I Am confidence. I Am grace.
3. Manifesto expressions
This section gives more context to the “I Am” presence you’re choosing to cultivate. They work as goals to bring into your regular awareness and start to evidence change within.
My self love practices are so integrated and powerful that I’ve detached my self-worth from the approval or disapproval of others.
4. Mantras
Deducted from your I Am Manifesto and Expressions, these phrases are prescribed to help you deeply reprogram. They can be used as indicators to determine how you are doing or as medicine to rearrange your emotional orientation.
I Am peaceful power, open to receive love.
5. Priorities
Who is most important to you and what are their core priorities? This includes physical, emotional and spiritual health with a few details about each one.
My daughter: needs me modeling positive psychology, no dairy, at least a half hour of dancing every day.
In order to create and sustain core change, what are you doing? The more you put into your self development, the more that will change. What do you commit to daily?
1 hour meditation/writing practice, checking in with my subconscious themes to determine which meditations and mantras I need.
7. life/career goals
As you start to change from the inside out, it’ll be reflected from the outside in. What are your personal and professional goals? This section helps ground our work in super practical ways.
Start podcast by 2021
Attract income opportunities that enhance my self growth
8. Evidence of change
It’s easy to forget to celebrate your transformation. This section documents it, from the subtle emotional realms to the more concrete ones. It’s important to have an ongoing list of the change that you’re noticing due to your work.
26 April I effortlessly loved myself, noticing my beauty, grace and intelligence throughout the day. It felt so peaceful and meaningful.
30 April I was asked to be a part of a new project that feels directly in line with the inner work I’ve been doing.
This section serves to help you deeply get to know your subconscious programs and deduct ongoing remedies. I find it useful to categorize them in Personal, Familial, Cultural and Collective. The personal themes are easily deducted from your astrology, familial from the patterns taught to you by your parents and other important family members, cultural through a keen observation of where you come from and the specific tendencies inherent within, collective from the general patterns you observe within humanity right now.
No worries if it’s difficult to define these, that’s what I am here to help you with. As this section starts growing you’ll notice cross over between the themes, expressions and remedies. That’s to be expected, it doesn’t need to be over organized. It’s here to help you map what’s guiding your current way of perceiving.
personal themes:
Trailblazing, forward thinking, quick
Know it all, too fast, aggressive
Awareness exercises:
‘I don’t know’ mantra
Slowing my breath and my movements
Waiting 2 days before sending important correspondence
4 May on tempering fire with water
20 June on slowing down and receiving