We're creating the world's first DIY starter kit for revamping lives through energetic adjustments. 


Help make Season 1 happen!

We've got a creative director, photographers, editors, advice from a movie producer, the curriculum all lined up, a hoard of hungry millennials and, most of all, an unwavering commitment to make this happen. <3

Meet them team (what if you actually put smiley pics of all your supporters below?)


what'S happening? 

This is where an intro to the project goes that highlights:

  • why you started this (the world being fucked up and really needing this and you wanting to give it all away for free)
  • the who: millennials (the generation with an unwavering desire to change the world but lacking the tools to make it happen)
  • how (the fact that you are an artist who is a natural content creator, a bad ass teacher and have the depth of knowledge for this to work) - Link to your long bad ass assertive timeline
  • You're thrilled to be backed by a team to produce season 1

Introducing season 1

Season 1 is a curated collection of applicable content based on interviews with real clients who have seen major shifts happening in their lives. Everyone is hungry for this shizzle.

This is where you highlight the general outline of season 1 and then link to the comprehensive list. You may want to create that first and then come back here to make a cute brainstormy list of why season 1 contains  the specific comprehensive ingredients for a Millenial to, you know, be a happy, functional little human being. 





This could be a swipeable gallery of testimonials? OR a remix of your testimonials videos and your ambient video? Or either of those. Just dreaming here. Feel into it!


Why me? Why now?

Preach baby! Talk about why this is imperative NOW! How is the world going to shift? What makes you the perfect person? Link again to your badass bio. 



More testmonial cuteness

When dropping in examples, you could add cute text along the lines of: Coco has been creating forever. On her iPhone camera. In India, Mexico, Timbuktu, Berlin, USA, barefoot in nature, surrounded by monkeys, people in suits, on stage.



Some of the stuff is how-to, some of the stuff is follow me, some of the stuff is "this is why" and all of it is always fun. Even when speaking about woo-woo stuff - it's demystified and immediately applicable.


Badass testimonial
— Tom Hanks