The world of business has changed. It's no longer just about the bottom line or about offering the best products and services. It's also about knowing your customers and taking them on a meaningful journey. It's about treating your business like your family and making sure every employee and customer feels that way. It's about personal, professional and planetary sustainability. It's a new paradigm, in which money flows easily in ways that are mutually beneficial for all.

This doesn't mean that old working business principles need to be thrown out. It just means a new qualitative lens to measure holistic business success as well as a shift in practical methodologies are needed.

In this new place, we work with less effort and have more results because we've learned to view and utilize the arguably intangible. 

How do we do this?

Our subconscious programming and inner atmosphere are evident in every aspect of our businesses.

Both our strengths and limitations are replicated in every system that we create, from training handbooks to online presence. The more responsibility a single person holds within a business, the more their energetic makeup will affect the company's operational reality.

This is my specialty. I've been deciphering the subconscious themes working in premium service-based businesses for the past 10 years. I'm here for you to lean into, to discover what's churning within you, your leaders and your business, finding the easiest possible alignments to make everything flow more easily, including cash. 

"I never before could experience such profound healing as with Elizabeth. The way she feels and understands a human soul and her ability to transform is stunning. I am deeply grateful!"

— Anne Biging, CEO Healing Hotels of the World


In acting as your customer I experience and quantify the current state of your business.

I gather on evidence on quality, authenticity, consistency, magnetism, beauty and sustainability, to name a few. Link to congruency

The alignment of both the systemic and human energies within an organization can be perceived by witnessing its outcomes through the organizational culture, financial business success, workplace motivation and customer satisfaction. However, it is challenging to see the whole and define causalities within such a complex system, unless one is versed in both the the business and energetic languages. 

That's my job!

I offer a global perspective on quality and bring an sophisticated outside eye to systems and the flow of customer journeys, aesthetics and business ease and functionality. I access the businesses' sustainable success by highlighting what needs to shift in order to make sure that they can offer an authenticity of customer service, strong leadership and consistency of standards that are understood and perceived by employees and customers alike. 

Scroll down to see my offerings.

Holistic Secret Shopping

Energetic Scan

Can be booked remote or onsite and includes:

  • One session with the main leader
  • Assessment of the online presence from aesthetic to functionality 
  • Energetic scanning of the intra-personal, interpersonal and cultural dimensions within the business 
  • If onsite: full reflection of the customer journey and ease of information and service flow through the business
  • Video log 

Investment for remote assessment:

Investment for onsite assessment: 
$1000 - $3000, depending on the size of the business and the services offered

Energetic  Transformation

Can be booked remote or onsite and includes Energetic Scan package plus:

  • 4  sessions with the main leader to assess strategic plans and the subconscious inner themes alive within the business
  • 2 individual sessions with up to five business leaders, to help shift their awareness and understand how great an impact they can have on the evolution of the business. These sessions combine inner work and practical systemic solution to facilitate sustained change

Investment for remote assessment:
$2000 + $500 per leader

Investment for onsite assessment: 
$2000 - $4000, + $500 per leader

Going Deeper

For larger businesses, I team up with Anaïs Bock to facilitate a full congruency assessment and work with the whole staff, connecting current key performance indicators to energetic markers.


You are unsure whether your business circumstances are right and ripe for this type of work? Get in touch to schedule a free discovery session to experience it for yourself.

The outcome of this work is a clear view of what is happening in the business from an inside-out perspective, bridging the gap between the business vibes we all perceive to the business reality, by uncovering the energetic roots in an approachable, easy way. All you need for this work to work is curiosity.


"Coco happens to be one of those rare people who is fluent in both energy work and business development. This is where healing meets business and structures shift because they are demanding it from the inside."

- Anaïs Bock, Organizational Behaviorist & Entrepreneur

"When you start feeling it, you can't help but believe it, because it's there. It is yourself and of course you have to believe in yourself because you exist." 

— Sian Hansen, Executive Director Legatum Institute